Thanks for trying- but I finally beat my head off of this enough that I figured out what I was doing wrong!
1.- Apparently my Freq generator is not accurate enough?
2.- My Arduino worked- ONCE I figured out that I had a clock of 100HZ... Not 100Khz! I managed to get about 70Khz using the...
Heres a link to the manufacturer, hopefully this helps.
The specific model is a CEV58M
Everything I have gathered seems to say I can simply apply control voltage (24v), Pulse a constant 5v 100khz +- square wave clock signal...
I'm looking for more info on SSI encoders. Specifically, What is needed to generate a clock signal and get bit data from the encoder.
I have a SSI encoder, spec sheets and pinout. I have tried using a 5v clock signal from a freq generator, but this does not work. Do I HAVE to have a...