Thank you WARrose,
I found this book very useful.
There are formulas on p.327 for Kirchoff plates, and they seem to be the same as those I used.
I will then try to search for mistakes I made during calculations of derivation of matrix B.
Hi WARose.
There is no software. I am trying to write my own software - I wrote triangular mesher on the region, and that is why I am trying to use triangle element based on Kirchoff's theory.
Quad meshing is too tricky for me.
I am using shape functions from CKZ triangle. In FEM (Kirchoff's...
I am trying to calculate shear internal forcesin the plate (Kirchoff triangle elements with three nodes), but I do not know how to get them.
I meshed simple rectangular plate with triangles,
I solved global equation system, so I have displacements in each node (vertical movement and two...