So, if I'm reading this right. At 20 psf dead load and a 12'x15' surface (no.1 syp 2x10's, 16" centers), my max is 3600 lbs (not taking concentrated loads in this number)? I was unable to access the psi link you have listed.
Thanks again,
Being a mechanical engineer, I'm looking for help with wood subfloor loads and capacities. I have a 12' x 15' structure supported by 4 block walls with 2" x 10" joists. Each joist resides on the block walls, no need for joist hangers. The joists are 15' long on 16" centers...
thanks for the clarification. I'm not using an acme thread. I was unclear by not stating that the thread for my issue is a UNC thread. Does your solution still apply, in particular the half angle calculation?
I've tried the calculation above and had some "funny" numbers come from it. Please help clarify some of the symbols and how they are to be used. I have a 1.4375-20 thread, a bolt head of 1.570in. How do plug those number into the above equations. I believe my units are off?