thanks for the information, with creo, it also places double arrow dimensions for holes, and diameter callouts.. however, there is a right click option called flip arrows, that will flip the arrows for you. is there no command for this? have to double click the dimension, and go turn off the...
thanks again, i thought about turning off extension line 1, but was worried it would turn off for the regular dimensions too..
placing the dimensions.. i am left button clicking on the screen.. seems middle mouse button cancels the command. i am used to MMB click from Creo..
i have a list of...
one more question, on radius and diameter dimensions, how do i get the dimension arrow to be pointing toward the part, instead of inside the part, out towards the leader?
i would like for my diameter dimensions to not put 2 arrows, on each side of the diameter, just on the edge, like a leader...
Thank you Cowski... thats what i was looking for..
the reason for NX8, is this is what the parent company uses. the parent company is a very major company, believe me, if i had my way, i would stick with creo, but sharing files between the 2 locations is very cumbersome, and not working. I...
I come from Creo, and our parent company wants us to switch to using NX8. I have been doing online tutorials, and trying to learn the drafting side of this program before we do the switch, as to limit the amount of downtime, or bottleneck in our drafting department. the modeling looks pretty...