The way wallap calculates pressures is not something you would want to do by hand. If you look at the wallap output the the active and passive limits should be similar to your calculation?
Regarding the factor of safety I meant BSC handbook method (selectable in FoS Options) as the other...
What calculation method have you chosen in wallap? Unless you have selected piling handbook method your results will be off. Also the pressure calculation in wallap will give different results to hand calcs. Check wallap output to see by how much? I personally find cads piled wall suite easier...
Rankine is fine for calculating the pressures however I don't know why you would design all struts to the worst case loading (the way you are designing is overly conservative). Calculate the pressures envelope then calculate frame loads based on that. How you calculate the loads depends on the...
aeoliantexan: thank you for that, I'd found that relationship and will be taking that going forwards. I'll definitely look into the military vehicles information.
Okiryu: the issue is that the use of the machine is the opposite - the machine is 'marketed' for use on all terrain, in fact if it...
Hi there,
Quick(ISH) question to pick your brains.
I have been looking at bearing pressure for a large item of plant which is on wheels. I've used formula from EC7 based on a shallow foundations. Basically running through the calcs means that the item of plant is no where near acceptable...