I am thinking I may have been modeling infiltration planters wrong. Let's say I have a soil infiltration rate of 5in/hr into the native soil (from a infiltration test). I design a planter, but have to limit the exfiltration through the growing medium to 2 in/hr. I create a pond node and...
Originally, I modeled the catch basins and gutter pan in HydroCAD: The catch basins has pond nodes with appropriate storage attributes to model the CB inlet and then half a street section (to see how high the flow would get in the section view), then an orifice for the inlet itself routing to...
I'm working to model a section of a private road with pervious pavement and rock storage to treat some stormwater runoff. The road is 26' wide. There are also some utilities running under the road as well. For the purposes of modeling exfiltration, would it be best to remove the utility...
Thanks for the input beej67. If HydroCAD is on par with the C3D tools, I will probably go with HydroCAD. No sense in burning a C3D license for just stormwater calcs.
What is the best modeling software for small to medium sized residential and small commercial development projects? I've seen HydroCAD used, but am curious if there's something better than this? Most of the project I'm looking at doing are small-medium projects. Say not more than 100 lot...