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  1. human909

    Steel Structure Stair Tower

    For the reasons mentioned above, no way would I do that for a 30m tower. The forces are significant. Sure you could make it work, but why?
  2. human909

    Lateral system for row houses

    Could you please elaborate on that. I say that because I regularly use moment frames in circumstances like this or similar. I've never had push back when I use moment frames, and they are fairly normal down in my end of the hemisphere. Though that is not to say we don't have a vast array of...
  3. human909

    Ferry Dock Collapse

    Personally I'm surprised this is still being talked about as an engineering disaster. There are so many flaws are so many here that one questions whether anything involved in the design and supply of this gangway counts as engineering. As SocklessJ said "Remember this was likely...
  4. human909

    Lateral Torsional Bracing – Floor Voids

    You don't. As you have said there is a void. So lateral bracing is not possible. (Well unless you can wrangle something from the facade on the opposite side of the beam to the void) But given it is not loaded in bending then is the lack of lateral bracing a problem? Also the following...
  5. human909

    Weld design for beams picked from skyciv

    Grab the moment from SkyCiv not the max stress and then work off first principles and suitable design guides for the section type, orientation and type of connection. Use FEA if you are competent with it. A picture would greatly help here. Is this an octagonal from from flat bar, I-sections...
  6. human909

    Thoughts on subgrade modulus determination needed

    Based on your description, with a 4" slab with a "sturdy" clay underneath you should be totally fine. Shifting the loads around doesn't sound like it would be a huge worry. If there clay was problematically reactive then the effects would likely already be evident. Below is a reasonable guide...
  7. human909

    beam load off center

    To somewhat mitigate the pile on. To CPBe's credit, she/he seems to have listened and responded to those on site. He/she has also continued to engage with the forum crowd following the question. Hopefully this will be a good learning experience. Most of us probably have some similar stories...
  8. human909

    Silo Collapse, Shoalhaven River Australia

    An those are just the incidents that hit the news. One resulted in a death the other closed a highway. These incidents are certainly not uncommon. And yes non uniform radial loads can result in failure, I've seen distortion caused by that. This happened a little over 4 years ago in Algeria...
  9. human909

    beam load off center

    That still doesn't solve the vertical imbalance issue. Dold put it better that I could. It is a stack of wobbly steel at present. Though I would used two sets of vertical bracing so the springs remain effective. An alternative would be full height cleat plates for the cross beams with welds...
  10. human909

    beam load off center

    I really think pictures of the actual piece of equipment or the at least a generic picture of the equipment and its role here would help. It is hard to advise without knowing more detail about the item. Agreed but it is hard to really know with the limited information give about the equipment...
  11. human909

    Silo quaking in design of bins and suppport structure

    If it is a "regular silo" then excitation and fatigue are normally not a big deal. Abrasive wear or corrosion is the primary end of life for most silos from my experience. If you have aggressive hopper activators then fatigue can very much be an issue. Vibrators can lead to local fatigue...
  12. human909

    Silo quaking in design of bins and suppport structure

    Whether it is a problem or not depends on your product and your design. A practical example of what is done in design? Well in practice, ~99.9% of the time, it is ignored by the designer. There is a reason why BS EN 1991-4 and most if not all other codes don't address it. I have a decent...
  13. human909

    AS4600:2018 Figure D2

    hx and hy are simply the x and y dimensions to the centroid of the flange and lip from the corner of the web and flange. If you understand Figure D2a then D2b becomes clear. The D2a diagram is a little confusing as it overlaps the cross marker of the shear centre with the lines of the flange...
  14. human909

    Silo Collapse, Shoalhaven River Australia

    Not really a whole lot to talk about on this one given the dearth of public information. And that is unlikely to change in the near term or possibly at all. Silos are notoriously abused so structural failures are not that uncommon. That said at a guess I'd think this might be a foundation...
  15. human909

    Silo quaking in design of bins and suppport structure

    Are you asking because it is a currently problem on existing silos you are looking at? Or are looking at silo design and you chasing a niche scenario that isn't currently a problem? Most silos aren't designed for quaking. Infact many aren't even designed for eccentric flow which can cause...
  16. human909

    Screw Feeder - Reactions on hopper

    Thank DVD! That is a really good and comprehensive design guide. I'd say they are some of the least important concerns in a screw feeder design. They also both cancel each other out. Working out the screw forces, you really want to start by considering the material shear plane area, the...
  17. human909

    Ferry Dock Collapse

    If you dig back far enough you can find evidence that at some point somebody recognised the need for proper lateral restraint of the top chord... And in other cases beefing up the top chord: But clearly somewhere along the line they decided that proper engineering was too costly...
  18. human909

    350mm slab, only top layer mesh UK

    Both the above posters have nailed it so I won't drive home that particular point any further. However you say: How did you come to this conclusion? Try calculating the bending moments. If you calculated it through assuming a suitable value of subbase stiffness you will find that your moments...
  19. human909

    Under-reinforced beam

    There was no mention of the beam being understrength in any terms even in ULS. So in my answer I have initially assumed that. By I did seek clarification in my point 2. The "mininmum steel area" is there to ensure that even if the load exceeds the ULS load then the bending failure will be...
  20. human909

    Ferry Dock Collapse

    The span to depth ratio looks about right. But there seems to be very little to prevent lateral torsional buckling of the truss frames. The top handrail members are in compression without any lateral restraint. For something that length you normally want out riggers or some pretty stout...