Thanks Appreciate Your assistance.
The schedule pipe is 40. I was attempting to use 1 lb-mole/MW) X 359.05 to determine SCFM and then 0.0177 to determine the actual Cv requirement.
The P1 = 560 PSIG and P2 pressure = 0 . This valve is to serve as an emergency trip valve so the differential pressure across the valve is zero. The valve will either be full open or full closed. The Cv of 9300 is a full port ball valve.
I have an applications and need some assistance in validating a proper ball valve Cv is sufficient for the application:
Natural Gas
62,000 lbs/hr Min
68,000 Lbs/hr Max
MaxP = 560 PSIG
MaxT = 770 Deg F
Diff P = 560 PSI
Density = 0.044
MW = Min (16) Nor (17.5) Max = (19)