@CWB1 yep, that's the same i thought.
On my research i found the Designcouncil in UK. Could that be an institution who is reponsible for the design process in the product development with their methodolgy of the Double Diamond Methodlogy ?
@greglocock No they dont say how they have to work. But it is a guideline on which the most german companies are oriented. So thats a systematic approach on the development process.
Thanks for the answers. @robln the book of Pugh "Total Design" i also found. I have to read it.
Thanks. So is there some Council which say thats the main model like it is in germany with the vdi ? I think in UK the organisation for this is the BSI, the british standards institution.
i do a research and i am researching some methodlogies and approaches. So i have to research the product development in UK.
In germany we have the VDI 2221 and the model from Pahl and Beitz for product development. But what is the basis approach in UK for the development? Do they have one...