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  1. GC_Hopi

    Help Pipe Support Engineer with Moment Connections

    You could put in some bracing to take the axial load out. That would save you from moment connection design. Side note: I usually see the HSS beam located at the bottom flange of the W30 and typically an angle is used. You probably have your reasons for the design. Just wanted to throw that out...
  2. GC_Hopi

    Scanning Pile Rebar From the Top

    A lot of what you see will depend on the skill of the GPR operator. I have only see and been told by GPR companies that the maximum reliable depth is 10 inches. Scanning down to see the ends of vertical rebar will be quite challenging. Also GPR will not get you information on rebar diameter...
  3. GC_Hopi

    Masonry Cleanouts

    Probably some items to consider when deciding what cell to cut open are which would happen after the scans.... dimensions of the wall and height of the wall to make a judgement on what frequency in plan and elevation would given you a representative sample. Also, stress in the CMU so you can...
  4. GC_Hopi

    Masonry Cleanouts

    I think thermal scanning or gpr is a given then throw cutting open cells on top of that as engineering judgement and for piece of mind.
  5. GC_Hopi

    Masonry Cleanouts

    Have them cut on the face on a number of the cells at the bottom of the wall to prove there is minimal droppings. If they find some then cut all cells with rebar. Is this partially grouted? Or go straight to check all the cells that have bar. What is your comfort level... at this point they bear...
  6. GC_Hopi

    SE Exam New format April 2024

    Am I reading the NCEES website correct... 1,400 dollars in testing fees for an SE assuming you pass all test on the first round. 2,100 dollars if you end up retaking two sections. PE is 400 dollars. *Just to be facetious. Do SE earn 3 times more than a PE or is that ratio just hold for fees...
  7. GC_Hopi

    Fastening Steel Deck Alternatives

    How are people handling substitution request for deck fastening to open web joists? Is the contractor/third party engineer requesting the substitution responsible for checking strength, stiffness, base material thickness and does this need to be sealed or should the EOR include this re-design...
  8. GC_Hopi

    3rd Party Engineering Services without a PE Stamp?

    I would also add that the owner can be more strict than the code and require a seal even if the code does not require one. The code is a minimum.
  9. GC_Hopi

    IEBC Substantial Structural Alteration

    For tall structures, IEBC has provisions on the height that get triggered. I think the height provisions are for non-structural stuff like egress. That's outside of this discussion.
  10. GC_Hopi

    STAAD vs others

    I consider STAAD more of a general FEM software but has old design codes ie aluminum design code from the 1998 or not integrated very well into the design modules ie no masonry design or you need an external design process. The only design module that is decent is the STAAD to RAM connection...
  11. GC_Hopi

    IEBC Substantial Structural Alteration

    I dont have the IEBC open but I thought there was a provision about changing the lateral system and about percent increase of the demand to capacity in any element. I think you changes would trigger those provisions.
  12. GC_Hopi

    Access platform "moment frame"

    Ditto as Josh. Definitely worth doing a quick gut check on the members and loads (no equipment) but I don't get heartburn using it for short, small maintenance access platforms. cec17: I would put "short" and "maintenance" in the description of the platform as well. EDIT: Looks like I was late...
  13. GC_Hopi

    FEA on a really Thick Box culvert

    What FEM software are you using? A few options are offset nodes or extend the slab past the nodes or hand calc the load and apply the load at the nodes as point load (line load if you are fancy and put in dummy beams).
  14. GC_Hopi

    PEMB frame deformation due to foundation settlement

    The owner is paying you for your expertise. I would hope that they would value your judgement. Now I will get off my soap box, I would pose the following question if the members do not meet the AISC tolerances for straightness, etc. does it make sense to evaluate them using AISC methods or are...
  15. GC_Hopi

    Crack gauges manufacturing

    Manufacture? They cost 4 dollars on Amazon.
  16. GC_Hopi

    Small motor frame frequency

    What is the criticality of the equipment? Generally the best resource is the manufacturer. If is a "widget" as opposed to a "super scanning microscope" most design is done by experience. A few rules of thumb for starting are braced frames are the best and get an example of a successful past...
  17. GC_Hopi

    Shim between steel beam and wood joists

    You could also look at sistering on squash blocks on either side of the joist. Glue and nail them off and lower them as needed to bear on the new beam
  18. GC_Hopi

    Calculating the Flexural Strength of Granite Facade Panel

    Depending on the criticality you may consider testing the rock. WJE has an article related to stone durability below is an excerpt. Bring in an expert may be a good approach.
  19. GC_Hopi

    CFS Stud Wall Weak axis

    I think its just the terminology that is getting you hung up. In my sketch, he is calling x-axis the minor axis so using the right hand rule (putting your thumb in the direction of the axis) then bending about x-axis or the minor axis is the strong direction for the stud. Even as I write this it...
  20. GC_Hopi

    Need more $$$, thinking about changing careers or doing side work.

    Sounds like you are in the messy middle of life. Its bitter sweet. A few things that proved helpful to me are learning more about personal finance and budgeting. The Money Guy show is a good resource and they nerdy take on personal finance appeals to my engineering brain...

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