Min 30J and 25 mils are specified.
I austenitize the next batch at 1800F as suggested and temper couple of shaft at 1125F and 1150F.
Charpy: 27 - 38J
Both temper (1125 and 1150F) failed for lateral expansion: 9 - 16 mils
As quench hardness is 415 BHN
Sample looks really brittle and I would say...
Lateral expansion is the increase in specimen width, measured in thousandths of an inch on the compression side (opposite of V-notch) using charpy sample. As per specification, testing temperature shall be 21degree C. To me, 25 mils spec. is above typical requirement.
Typically, we...
I forgot to mentioned that we use prolongation for mechanical test. Prolongation is typically 6" long and I cut the sample 2" away from as quenched surface.
It is a typo. P is 0.010%. As per customer specification, minimum tempering temperature is 1115F and minimum holding time is 6 hours.
Our oil quench tank has poor agitation. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to revamp the tank. Currently, we use overhead crane to move the shaft left and...
I tried oil and water quench and quenched hardness is 388 BHN for both of them. I didn’t check for RA.
I attached micro photos of failed samples from different heat treat batch. I don’t have much experience with analyzing microstructure. Let me know if you guys notice anything different.
I reviewed the microstructure and it is brittle around broken area. Grain size is between 4 - 5. Structure is fully transformed to martensitic. Reason why I didn't choose higher austenitizing temperature:
1. Literature I found indicates austenitize between 1695F and 1850F and keep it at lower...
I’m currently working on the 410 stainless steel shaft (8.5” OD x 100” long with a 3.5”ID via deep hole drilling prior to heat treatment) and having trouble with longitudinal lateral expansion.
Longitudinal lateral expansion is conducted at 21 degree C and requirement is 25 mils...