I am on a project that is going into steam blow. They are currently getting ready to fab the temporary spools and have requested that they only get a visual inspection. I have not found anything in B31.1 that says to treat temporary spools any different than perminate spools. Since during...
I presented it to the client. I presented it that 137.1.5 gives the sequence that will be followed due to the risk of hydroing something with unknown stress that could fail during the test. We are already past that point and we know it has the pressure retaining capabilities that the last part...
Okay in B31.1 Section 137.1.5 Says hydrostatic testing SHALL be done after all NDE and PWHT. However because items were not mapped or tracked correctly there were some gamma plugs that got welded in and never PWHT before hydro. Once theses were found they were hydro'd, now my question is Do we...