Thank you for your helpful replies! Here's what I conclude: A distribution line with 3 phase loads does not require a neutral to simply operate, however the NESC requires pole grounds every 1/4 mile so either an OHGW or neutral is required to accomplish this.
I live in the U.S. and have seen a...
Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm still looking for a definitive answer, preferably one that has origins in the NESC.
Cuky and Fritzy - The NEC is not applicable for this project.
RRaghunath - Are you suggesting that all 22kV lines don't have a neutral? I assumed that most low voltage...
I'm helping design a 22kV overhead line and was recently told that the owner doesn't want a neutral in order to save money. All loads are three phase motors so imbalance shouldn't be a problem, but I'm wondering if there are any rules regarding when you MUST use a neutral. From what I've read in...