@HTURKAK, thank you very much, now I am reading ASCE The Structural Design of Air and Gas Ducts for Power Stations and Industrial Boiler Applications, it is very helpful for my work.
Now I am working on a sludge incineration project, in this project, from WHB to ESP, from ESP to bag filter etc, we use flue gas duct, I want to know which standard I can use to design these ducts, thanks!
for EN 1092-1 PN250 TONGUE GROOVE FLANGE, I cannot find EN spiral wound gasket standard, but I found DIN 2699, it is spiral wound gasket standard, it can be used in PN250.THANKS!
for EN 1092-1 PN250 TONGUE GROOVE FLANGE, who know the EN gasket standard? In EN 1514-2, the PN is only up to PN160, the flange facing only limit to FF and RF. thanks!
I have found some manual at PPI, and I also found some manual at PPFA(plastic pipe and fitting association). thanks for you prompting.
these plastic pipes are used in waste water treatment plant, used as chemical dosing pipes, above ground.
Thanks for your reply.
firstly thank you for mk3223 & Littleinch, the vendor suggested special flange see below, the small end connect to valve, the large end connect to pipe.
for soft seat wafer butterfly valve, can the connecting flange on piping be a slip on flange? some valve vendor suggest to use special flange for soft seat wafer butterfly valve. Can we use weldneck flange instead of special flange?
when we design UPVC piping, do we need to select the pipe wall thickness as per hydrotest pressure? because after installation, we need have a hydrotest for piping, the hydrotest pressure is 1.5xdesign pressure.