here the "cap" deformation. This body has no constrain. So the program tell me that the model is underconstrained and i need week springs. In reality this body can't move because of bayonet. This body is in...
here the deformation. the scale is 8. The model is non entirely simmetric. The contact between two bodies are in the bayonet.
I know. But imagine that the body is like a cap with a pressure. there is not on this body constrains, but only contact and i put frictional contacts. The results is that there is singularity in the fixed body and also on the cap. The singularity disappear if i put a constrain in the cap...
Yes. The stress is too high and continue to increase depending of the mesh. I can't reach a correct solution because of singularity. The next step for me is fatigue analysis so it's important to eliminate singularity. The only way for now is to add some constrains on one body, but this is not...
Tried again and again, Also with adding radius but the result is the same. Also with frictional contact. I think the problem is that One body is undercostrained.but it is only a cap. The only " constrain" is done by surfaces in contact. If I add a constrain in vertical direction the problem...
Yes, this is the way and I'm not worried about singularieties because of DSV principle, but I tried to have a good results without singularities. Thank you for your help
I tried also with frictional contact, but the result is the same. The analysis is linear with isotropic elastic material. options on Analysis settings are Program Controlled. If you need more details please tell me. thank you in advance for your...
mesh fixed body (patch conforming, tethaedron quadratic with refined edge)
Hello. I have a problem with singularity on Ansys Mechanical. Would someone help me? I'm trying to simulate two parts joined with a bayonet. on one part there is a pressure. I want to study the resistence of the bayonet. I do a structural analisys with frictionless contacts, and as the mesh is...