As per the design example 6.8.1 in the 2023 5th edition for shallow foundations
Do an investigation to get your design parameters
Evaluate consequence factor (0.6-1.4) and understanding factor for bearing capacity (0.35-1.0)
Ultimate limit drained multiplied by consequence and understanding...
As others have mentioned figure out your preliminary answer for a reasonably bad conditions. Then get it in writing that this investigation and design is for a 28 story building and will be told to drill more if they want a 30 story building or account for them not knowing ow big they want the...
Ishihara's book discusses time dependency of low-amplitude shear modulus related to remoulded clays. Not sure how that has been followed up on in recent research.
Not much help on aging from the national academy of sciences state of the art liquefaction assessment regarding aging of fine...
I read the books by Koerner and other work about adhesion but I have no faith in designing a slope which relies on material sticking by adhesion to a geosynthetic which degrades. Usually consider a discount on the friction angle of triaxial or shear box tested material or a literature value...
Multiple reasons as mentioned before seepage rates. Dam foundations on clay require time to drain excess pore pressure from when you build the dam or if you are continually raising the dam, this is a stability issue if a dam is raised to fast on a low permeable foundation.
recommend you look at the old US army corp reports and the 90's and 2000's work by Indraratna such as Large scale triaxial testing of greywacke rockfill.
They published results from large triaxial machines.
Sounds like a bad idea to me, but you can ask the geotech what they think about a retaining wall or secant pile or sheet pile wall solution and if could be more cost effective. The geotech that came out to site should be able to highlight the positives and negatives of other solutions. Don't...
You could ask the firm that quoted to let you know who else could provide the same service, or if they know of any old engineers that are a one man show that can do the same job which would be cheaper. Likely going to be a similar approach on the work to be done, largest expense is the...
This is a student question please use the student forum, going to PEinc point the analysis your slope is steeper than your friction angle, infinite slope analysis FOS is calculated by Tan phi over Tan slope angle, Duncan's book has a good discussion on infinite slopes. For this problem, which...
ASTM D2974 method c and d, 440 and 750 Celsius are for determining ash content and not moisture. Method A 110 Celsius is for soils ID. Method B is room drying then 110 Celsius if using peat for fuel.
Condolences for your loss. I think a immediate strategy would be to hire a senior engineer as casual employee to close out the exiting projects. The casual hire part would allow for the PE board to allow you to practice with an engineer on staff. The hours would be as much as the senior would be...
Some comments on your back story, you could make the argument that the final work which gets stamped which is the chargeable work and the other departments time should be backed out and put to training or overhead. The pay structure for each discipline could be slightly different but in general...
Density can be measured by nuclear densometer or estimated for saturated soils from moisture contents. To obtain a friction angle that would come from a triaxial or simple shear test or correlated from index field and lab tests.
For vanes you turn it to fast there is the potential for viscosity effects in clay, you turn it to slow there is a chance for partial drainage in varved or silty deposits. You could also do lab tests for shear or measure the moisture content change or push a CPT and see if the interpreted Su...
To your first question on limits of how to determine if a soil is expansive or not. Is the material free draining if yes then its not expansive, most clay soils are not free draining therefore have the potential for expansive behavior. The second part of your first question tolerable deflections...
The geotech's special inspection and test requirements I previously mentioned regarding shallow foundations are listed in 1705.6 soils. You will also notice the approved geotechnical report is listed in conjunction with the construction documents to determine compliance for the various...
I have never heard of a statement of special inspections. For a typical foundation job the geotech does the borings, writes a report to provide foundation design recommendations, the structural engineer then designs the foundation. For shallow foundations the geotech engineer is required to...
similar to the previous CFEM the manual provides a good place to start for a wide variety of topics. The references and opinions expressed are also of great value to me, in terms of purchase I would expect most geo firms would just buy the digital copy for the firm.