Thanks everyone I will forward the information to the Yaskawa rep when he arrives on site today. As this is a direct drive splined motor it almost has to be a reaction between the motor and VFD. I appreciate all of the input.
OK so it is on a centrifuge with a rotating assembly weighing 1000# running at 1100RPM, 750RPM,and 60RPM during different phases of the process. It is a Yaskawa drive not sure of the model but it is a regen drive for 20hp motor. It is a new installation. Voltage is 460. Motor is Baldor 20hp...
I have a piece of rotating machinery that is experiencing vibration and noise in the 200 to 300 RPM range on powered deceleration. The noise and vibration is gone when coasting to a stop. No noise or vibration on acceleration. This speed range is also a natural resonance point for this...