Erection team are asking for these values and I was never asked for them before , I search in AISC and didn't find any related info.
Bolts used are A325M for bearing type connections, can someone tell me what exactly is required to provide this information ?
Thank you very much in advance.
Thanks for your contributions.
I have a question regarding extended plates,
If I'm a fabricator with connections design scope, EOR is giving me only a criteria for connections design (no Staad.Pro model), in that case who is responsible for checking column for eccentricity moment ?
do you mean this one ?
It's not similar to the connection I'm asking about
I generally want to know why it's not more used compared to UFM or KISS Joints ?
Is there a disadvantage that I'm not getting ?
As the title suggests , ignoring cost impact & total weight of structure.
Would you prefer adding a web doubler to make the panel shear zone safe or use a haunched connection to minimize shear force in the panel zone ?
I never liked doublers myself but would like to hear everyone's opinion .
This has turned into a very informative discussion.
Can someone give me any design guide/steps for this connection?
specially the effect of tension/comp. balance effect on gusset plate ?
how can I make sure it will not buckle or twist or any rupture would happen to it ?
Thank you for your answers.
Is there any design guide for the second connection ?
Furthermore, if I take the connection further inside the column web to avoid eccentricity , would it be impossible to erect or just little more difficult ?
As the subjects suggests , this joint has been giving me headaches.
In the direction of the column main axis, I have a moment connected main beam and I need the back transverse stiffeners in the column.
How do I connect the strut and brace in the other direction while maintaining erect-ability...
As subjected,
I have a 28m diameter 5.7m high water tank. shell thickness is 8mm
I want to figure out if I need intermediate wind girder .. can anyone suggest how ?
I have top wind girder that is L120X120X10mm angle