Okay thanks for very informative responses here, maybe for the future I'll share also my learnings based from experience from actual situation.
This is what happen yesterday.
I am a subtractor, an engineer. I just went to clients office bringing a GTAW-SMAW PQR with generated SMAW WPS.
For the follow-up question.
Since it is not possible to me to use the GTAW-SMAW PQR to produce a SMAW Process WPS, therefore I have to conduct a PQR.
I have an actual situational problem here.
The 40mm stuctural base plate carbon steel was already welded at site with purely SMAW. The welding...
I would like to ask if AWS D1.1 have a provisions to produce a WPS with single welding process from a PQR with combination process?
For example, I will make a SMAW WPS from GTAW-SMAW PQR.
Is there any provision? What clause number in AWS D1.1 specifically?