Kindly advise, we are going to construct road with flexible pavement, what is the number of samples required to be verified by modified proctor test and CBR test.
Thank you.
AS per the below paragraph extracted from ACI 318-08 M, is the 1.43 can be used for drift verification of service wind loads and earth quake or it is valid for the service wind load only?
Section 10.10 provides requirements for strength and
assumes frame analyses will be carried out...
I want to know the correct way to calculate the Soil sub-grade modulus, is the correct value is Kv = P/D where P is the allowable pressure and D is the corresponding allowable settlement or P is the ultimate pressure and D is the corresponding ultimate settlement?
Since i found in many...
I want to know the correct way to calculate the Soil sub-grade modulus, is the correct value is Kv = P/D where P is the allowable pressure and D is the corresponding allowable settlement or P is the ultimate pressure and D is the corresponding ultimate settlement?
Since i found in many...