Hello IRstuff, my program is not yet 'an installation'.. it only has a folder called "root" with 2 files > an excel file(input) and an EXE. The user doesnt have to "install" anything to run this, they just have to copy the "root" into their PC and click the macro in excel to inititate the...
@drawoh, My fortran program prepares the coordinates after some calculations and writes the .plt file which has instructions for gnuplot to do the plot. the .plt file is then called in fortran and the plot is generated.. this work seamless on my pc which has fortran/gnuplot allready installed...
thanks @JG2828, asking to install gnuplot is an option. i wish to know if i can get away with linking some libraries, and make gnuplot work from my exe, without asking people to install the gnuplot.
I use Fortran 95 (code blocks as IDE) with gnuplot to do some plots and all this works well on my PC which has fortran and GNUPlot installed.
I wish to distribute my program(EXE) on other windows machine which don’t have fortran or gnuplot. How do I make the plot work on a machine which...