Hi, I'm studying the heat transfer from a rotating cylinder to static air. I use a correlation valid for Re up to 40,000
I also use CFD simulations in Fluent, but the values I get by this way are about half the ones I get with the correlation
The correlation is very simple: Nu=0.318*Re^0.571...
Thank you for your answers. I guess I should have explained a bit more. The HX will be installed in an axial fan for tube (underground) ventilation. I'm thinking of several rows of tubes behind the guide vanes.
It will cool the motor of the fan in a closed cycle and it needs to be as much...
Hi, my name is Adrian and I'm new to this.
I have to design a 8KW water-air heat exchanger with tubes and I don't know what diameter to use. It affects to the velocity of the fluid and thus to the inner ht coef, but I'm afraid to choose a diameter too big and maybe the contact between water and...