again, many thanks [tiphat]
"the four fundamental corrosion control methodologies"
is it:
changing material (other alloy, like**), environment (surrounding medium, VCI... no Dew), treated surface (oil, painted...phosphating) & lower temperature
(& active protection** with battery (here not...
Hello EdStainless, Thanks for your Input!
Material will be packaged, ...and while I'm reading your post: also enclosed and with additional VCI [smile]
...are there more dimensions to it / any ones that I didn't mention?
To all Experts [glasses], please…
I'd like to harvest your experience - knowledge [wink] therefore I need your input on the following:
carbon steel (simple C45 / 1045) needs to be stored and delivered, without forming any rust/visual defects:
my own thought:
-) Increase in surface quality...