Hi L_K Thank you very much, your code worked very Well for my project. I Am doing the thesis work, i know i should learn python but i don t have enough time. May i ask you the last thing (i hope)? I have a txt file with the IDs of element faces, is there the possibility to import It As a named...
Hi guys,
i have i problem and i cannot find a solution, i hope you can help me.
I have a named selection of solid elements and i would like to export the element id and the location of the centroid. Is it possile?
For named selections of nodes it is sufficient to set Include Node Location in...
Ho Eric, thank you for your Answer.
The problem is that i have the same elements for all the areas of the component. Is not possibile to select the area through the name adopted in the named selections?
Thank you!
Hi guys,
i'm new to ANSYS and i have some difficulties with APDL commands on Workbench.
I have a component with some named selections and i need to find the surface area of some areas. I need to use it in another command so i need to store it in a variable. I think i should use this *GET, Par...