A NX seller told me Dassault was focussing on Catia, letting underdeveloped SW. Not sure if it's true, of course, but it seems to be in concordance with the said on this thread.
Thanks, NutAce. I will ask in the software demonstration (still not decided to choose SolidWorks or NX at the same price for basic design).
Do you know if library is good and if it's included by default?
Thanks NutAce 😊
Are those functionalities explained in any site?
So I can evaluate if any of them would be necessary, increasing the price, or how much would cost us to "grow" using NX with new functionalities in the future.
Best regards
We are buying a CAD software. I was offered NX with no extras, just sheet metal working, that I suppose it's included in the "basic" version.
I have been researching on the internet, but I can't find the addons that can be bought with NX. I am afraid I could miss some function later if I buy...
For machine designing made of metal profiles, sheet metal and simple mechanisms. No surfacing.
Is it better Solidworks in 2D drawing, while NX is fastest in 3D modeling?
Which one would you choose?
Seller told me that Dassault Systemes was focusing on Catia, letting Solidworks with less...