I need to place a cast-in-place concrete slab (8" thick) for a temporary transformer at a job site.
The soil underneath is backfilled with structural material and compacted.
The original design does not show any mesh or rebar for the slab (9'x6'), and the transformer load on the slab...
Working on evaluating, analyzing, and preparing a report for existing mast arms for an FDOT project. Evaluations are done using Mathcad program provided by FDOT website. I am looking for a sample/guidance to write my report with FDOT standards. I would appreciate any hint or help in this regard.
Working on evaluating, analyzing, and preparing a report for existing mast arms for an FDOT project. Evaluations are done using Mathcad program provided by FDOT website. I am looking for a sample/guidance to write my report with FDOT standards. I would appreciate any hint or help in this regard.