So, we've done some rough cost estimates and even at 1 or 2% of cement, we would go through a third of our budget. We scrapped the sandy MG20 as it was much too loose. We found some compaction sand at a reasonable price, so we removed 6 inches of the top soil, we will put the compaction sand on...
Hi, thanks a lot for answering, we really appreciate.
We like the idea, but we don't really have the means to mix the thing, and we have around 800 metric tons of it... so I don't know, and for the price, let's say 5% of cement would mean 40 tons of cement, that would bust our phase 1 budget...
We are a team of tree dad's building a pumptrack for the kids in our small town. We have been offered some discount material coming from the refection of a nearby highway. The material is gravel, the type is 'MG20' (0 - 3/4). Now, I found out that 'MG20' comes in 2 types, 'sand' or...