waross, the switch is new attaching the data tag off the cover.
crshears, the run from the box to the switch is only about 20' there is 12-2 wire already run and an unused 220 breaker in the box. assuming I could just change which breaker the 12-2 wire is hooked to and have 220.
Not to...
looks like only the one uploaded here is the data sheetshttps://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=e1dddca1-c034-4f14-adf9-329a92152a01&file=Switch_and_Motor.jpg
I am trying to replace an old boat lift motor setup and have no clue on the wiring. I was thinking that I could just hook it up the way the old motor and switch are but in researching how to do it, it appears that wires vary between motors and different switches work different. Once I am at...