I agree with your point Tomas. Right now the Item ID is being generated by Teamcenter, but it would've been nice to make that the part number. We are using another system to generate the part number. I feel like, implicit in your comment you are saying that the Item ID should be the same as the...
Thank you cowski,
We have reasons. I am not sure if strong ones. One reason is the item ID is limited in number and type of characters. My preference would have been to give an internal PN to everything (including OTS parts like fasteners). We ended up doing the item ID and the Part Number be...
Hello all,
We are in the process of transitioning into Teamcenter and I found myself wondering on what is the best practice (or common at least) when it comes to Item ID and Item Name. I am aware of this thread and I feel it needs some updating since 2010.
As is typical, my organization...
We typically re-link manually and it is excruciating. I have found that often the process requires a lot of attention to prevent subsequent features to break, even when the best practices are followed.
Hello Tomas,
When doing a slave drawing model I will keep the selected master models which is selected by default. Given that we typically don't do PMI this tends to be sufficient. Not just from a callout point of view, but also section views. I understand that in NX you MUST do the exploded...
Hello Eng-tips,
My organization is looking to leverage PMI more. One annoyance that I have bumped into is the issue with the "custom views" not showing in the slave drawing parts unless you make them in the slave's modeling environment. This applies to exploded views of course, but seems to...