I think even if it's the same product, since you probably do not hold an ASME BPVC product certificate, they would not count as ASME parts after your own modifications. Unless there is a paragraph in ASME B16.11 that accepts slight parts modifications, I don't see anyway out of it.
Yes, ax1e, it would be whatever is left of the empire state building. I agree with you.
LittleInch, why can't .031" be taken off the surface of a raised face? When you reface a flange face, isn't a minuscule amount like 1/32'' taken off to do so, or is it more than that?
Yeah, Littleinch, so did I, but a peer swore up and down it meant the latter. I don't know which makes more sense. ASME B16.5 paragraph 6.3.2 states that you can actually remove the whole of the raised face part as long as the minimum flange thickness is in accordance with the standard, so that...
Looking at the wording of ASME PCC-2 305-3.1 (Raised Face), it states:
"Under-thickness of a raised face due to refinishing shall
be acceptable, provided the minimum finished height of
the raised face is 0.8 mm (0.031 in.)."
Does this mean that that the raised face (annular area jutting from...