Please support by clarifying the following:
Table 2 and 3 establish the mechanical requirements, which must be met for each grade, however I do not see the maximum or minimum tolerable limits.
Or when carrying out a test, the values obtained must strictly comply with what is indicated...
I want to know if the test result indicates that the material meets the requirements of ASTM A333 Gr.6. In case it complies, we will proceed to buy the material from the manufacturer.
I understand that the minimum value is 13 ft · lb according to ASME B31.3 - table 323.3.5 (I am not quite sure...
I am doing professional internships in a company that supplies steel.
One of my clients has requested that a material pipe be charpy tested; A333-6, SMLS, BE, SCH20,24in, 6M.
The results have come to me obtaining the following:
Foot Pounds: 52-44-36
% Shear: 55-55-50
Mils Lat Exp...