Hi guys, I need to design and slab on grade for a facility where there's going to be
only people walking around, do you have design guide about this case?
Thanks in advanced
Hi guys, I have the following question, I"m designing a steel portal frame structure that its going to be closed
by masonry walls. This walls arent going to be attached to the steel structure so Im asking myself if the columns are going to be receiving
any wind loads since they dont have any...
Hi guys, I have to design a foundtaion for a circular steel silo and I need to calculate the
seismic load, do you know a procedure for this kind of structure?
Thanks in advance
Hi,dik and Agent666 these procedures that you mention are applicable for a flat slab supported by columns and a foundation that its going to be against the soil?
Hi guys, I've been reading about how to calculate the Vu to check the Two Way Shear (Punching Shear)
in foundations. By definition the punching shear is "The shear force, Vu2, consists of all the net upward pressure, qu , on the hatched area shown, that is, on the area outside the part tending...
Hi, the local building code from where I live states that every element that its part of the seismic force resisting system has to
come from the foundations hence you can't have a seismic resisting element that begin in the 2nd floor slab. I was wondering if you guys know what does the ASCE 7-16...
HI, I'm analyzing a concrete slab with a green roof and I want to know if there is a normative that covers this kind of design loads.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you all.
I've been reading the AISC Design Guide and the definition of maximum wheel load is exactly the one that you gave me @daveatkins and I was trying to do an analysis to get the same result but I dont know what I'm doing wrong because I'm getting a different number. These are the...
Kind Regards, can somebody explain to me how the crane manufacturer calculate the maximum wheel load
that appears on the crane's specs?
Thanks in advanced.