Hi, PV Gurus,
My pressure vessel manufacturer calculated thickness based on;
Calculated Pressure by adding up External Pressure and etc. to Internal Pressure
Did only internal pressure calculation (UG-27, AS1210 Cl. 3.7.3), without separate external pressure calculation (UG-28, AS1210 Cl.3.9)...
If Pressure vessel applies ASME Sec.VIII, instead of AS 1210, is U-stamping mandatory?
Could I know where it specifically specifies in the national regulation (or DMIR publishment)?
Many thanks.
I've done several works applying ASME Sec.VIII Div.1, without U-stamping.
Here I am told that U-stamping is mandatory by ASME code.
Is U-stamp mandatorily required by ASME Code, or is it depends on the project(based on owner requirement/national regulation)?
If it is not mandatory, could I know...