ASHRAE 170-2008 (medical facility) requires exam rooms to have an ach rate of 6.0 minimum. With VAV system the VAVs will adjust damper position and CFM by temp, and load. Does the ASHRAE standards declare that the minimum amount ACH in each exam room be no less than 6.0 at all times? Also, are...
All Digital controls. The ahu has no hot water coil, which I have never seen before. Which leaves me confused on why would it be built that way, so the only way I can get the supply temp up is by raising the the mix air temp.
I have a AHU with no hot water coil and 6ea ducts coming off of the ahu with 6 individual vavs with HW heating coils. I have a room that's cold. I have never heard of an ahu with our heating coil. The AHU is providing 44-49 F currently, and the heating coil providing 70-72 F. The room is about...