Thank-you JStephen
I am in the process of applying for my shoreline variance. I have not been approved to put a house here since the setback is going to be less than 200 feet from the OHWM (Ordinary High Water Mark). The shoreline variance application goes in front of the Shoreline Hearing...
One of the things they recommended is for the:
"investigation include quantitative modeling of seismically-induced liquefaction settlement and the potential for movement due to lateral spread".
I am not sure how much that will cost by itself since they didn't break down the quote by line...
Thanks PhamENG
There is a main road right alongside of the property. It should be easy access.
The building site I am proposing is just north of the cement slab on grade.
A boat shop used to be there.
Thanks Brand805. Initially the Engineering company quoted me $3,850 for the Geotechnical Investigation:
Geotechnical Investigation Fixed Fee:
For the scope of services described above, our services will be provided for a fixed fee of $3,580. In order to initiate our work, we require an...
I got my preapplication conference from the county who said I need to submit for a Geological Hazard and a Geohazard Area engineering applications.
This one company quoted me $14,880 for the 2 reports described below. I am trying to put a house on a property next to a river in Washington State...