That makes a lot of sense and helps a lot. Thank you very much!
I'm also looking to separate the individual offsets into the arcs, lines, splines or whatever else the offsets might consist of. And the "killing" and removing the associativity sounds like it would be super helpful for that. I've...
Hi Everyone,
I've been working with some offsets in NX and I'm trying to write some journals to edit them. For example, deleting individual curves of the offset. But I cannot manage to edit the generated curves individually. If I try to delete an individual curve it deletes the whole...
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use the Additive Manufacturing tool for NX to do some fused deposition modeling but the only printers I can select are a HP-demo printer and then an stl and 3mf file printer. Is there a way to install more 3d Printers?
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Hi Everyone,
I've been using NX Journals to help create some larger but fairly simple parts. But because NX individually graphically displays every little change, this often takes very long. I know that in other CAD programs it is possible to only display the changes once the journal has run to...