Agree with jbourne8 and BennyTheBeaver. I want to time tag the video, and make a time plot of (1) the angle that the popcorn falls showing the right end of the room dropping, and (2) and popcorn angle at the left and right of the image (how trapezoidal - as the room tilts back and camera points...
What is vertical in the ring video? Maybe not the room. The popcorn stuff will follow the gravity vector, which the real vertical, not the frame of reference of the camera. Note: This sort of camera probably has barrel distortion.
If you mount a wireless camera in a box and roll it down a...
It will be interesting how they do it, and how it comes down. Hope there is some good high resolution raw video, with good sample rate and without compression and other artifacts.
Actually probably is a person as you first suggested. The picture was probably taken at 10:39 when the sun azimuth was 149° (By rotating image and looking at angle) and at 37° elev. Object height will be 0.60 * shadow length.
This is slightly...
Plausible, looks like some other people walking around. Unfortunately the foliage in the planter hides the shadow which can reveal height/vertical profile.
For example, you can see which pool loungers are reclined up and which are flat.
I looked at
(Switch to top view)
where you pointed out the barricade is on the West side of the square planter box sitting on M11. In the image it is the square planter on the right. The barricade was...
Added 2-Jul: image source is Miami Dade Pictometry top view:
Ref the temporary barricade cited by Roga50 1-Jul-21 3:45; a square feature, a black feature and changes (damage?) to the planter...
Miami-Dade Pictometery,
another county aerial photo site, not the same as DB27 cited. This one has views from top and N, E, S, W oblique views back to 2007. Place marker initially shows on building to...