Hi guys,
Thaks for the support, I change the code, my mistake i paste the code i was working on but nothing change i have a error on the leafproduct method...
Why it's work on the product and not on the part ?
what is the code to select the part from the edge/curve selection and get the COG...
Hello Guys,
I have a trouble here... One year ago I posted this topic and it was OK. I've got a code working well but now it's did not work at all.. could you guys help ?
I have a error on the leafproduct method...
Option Explicit
Hi guys,
Sorry for the delay...
I always looking for a tips to load part under a product using the catalog browser... Can we do that without macro ? Maybe with a list ?
I'm actually on DMA and they call it DMA 3.2... I don"t know more...
Thanks for your help !
Yeah ! Actually I think about it but my main issue is activate an other window and back to Catia window.
If we can do that, it's better.
I have my "Catalog" on VPM so it's Firefox/Mozilla running window and Catia window who have to work together. Do you know how to do that ?
Hi guys i would like to do this with the vba on catia :
1 : open the catalogue browser that is ok => CATIA.StartCommand ("Catalog Browser")
2 : set the current lib as I want => I don't know how to set this...
3 : set the filter with a input value with a inputbox
4 : Search it
5 : select the...
I got this code that i tried but it's doesn't work very well.
Could you improve it ?
In fact, the sName don't work cause it's have a prefix "Selection_" that why i delete it, but the suffix change... and it's change following the environment that the part have been created...
Do you think I...
Hi guys,
I would like to have a macro to :
1- create a center point from a user selection curve
2- Create a CG point from a user selection part
3- Link a selection point to a CG point by line
Do you think it's possible ?
Thx for your help !
Hey itmyjob, thx for your reply!
I kewn this tips before but actually, i never use it cause we need to activate the tree structure ! (yeah i'm boring, iknow...) But the main cause is the righ button go on design mode and as I said i have a looooot of different components... and if I go on...
To push a little bit more my request
Do you think it's possible to use button (UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT) keyboard's to navigate in the tree ?
like from the selected element if I press :
Up button : I get the part above
Down button : I get the part below
Right button : I get the first...
Hey guys,
I need you again on this.
Now i have a lot (like a lot) of .catpart under a .catproduct and i really need to get the parent by maacro...
So what I need is : i left clic on a .catpart then macro that "center graph" the .catproduct
Pls help... ?
Hi LWolf,
Thanks for your reply but actually I don't want to see the sub tree i want to have the level upper...
To illustrate it :
- Product2///
I want to copy/paste Part11111 and Part11112 into Product2 without...
Hi guys,
I would like have a macro which will get a parent from a product or a part selected.
I have a product (catproduct) with many many part (catpart) and the problem is : When i would like to copy a part from the product and past it in the same product i need to scroll up during 1000 years...