Brian Peterson has cited the best answer.
A "category 1" stop is a controlled stop under power followed by disconnection. That's allowed, in most circumstances, although machines with significant coasting or overrun may require attention paid to how the safeguarding is done, to avoid the...
Great question! Great answers!
Fact is we are stuck with 24V AC/DC control systems. It has to do with circuit boards and board level circuitry components. Everything is getting smaller and cost savings continue to drive all trends. Ideally 120 Volt control circuitry works best across most...
Most Generator dealers have available accessory control panels that can help you with this simple function.
You can also have a neighborhood UL508 panel shop build you a automatic panel based on the parameters you prefer to use for automatic start or stop. Most common parameter is current draw...
Great tips on motor failure analysis. Have you considered the load. What has changed with the pumps. Do we have impeller restrictions, material buildup causing blockages, pump bearing wear or failure, viscosity changes in fluids being discharged from the pumps. What kind of liquids or materials...