Are the formulas correct in Table 5.7 in BPVC VIII Div 2 Part 5 (Uniaxial Strain Limit for Use in Multiaxial Strain Limit Calculations)? I have a stainless steel with a reported elongation at break of 35%. The uniaxial strain limit is calculated as 3*ln(1+E/100) = 94%, almost three times higher...
You're right, though the difference in total and plastic strain at uts is very small.
Regarding your previous post, I should accept the stress-strain curve even if the failure strain is 46% higher than reported in my material datasheet and assume that my material is stronger than reported...
The value of m2 (= 0,75*(1-R) = 0,413), converted into engineering strain (e^(m2)-1 = 0,511) is much higher than strain at failure. m2 is defined as the true ultimate strain at true ultimate stress. Solving the equations, this is also roughly the strain value I get at true ultimate stress. The...
I have made a stress-strain curve for 245SMO material (S31254), which has S_y = 310MPa and S_u = 670MPa according to ASME II part D. My material datasheet tells me that the elongation at failure is 35% (engineering strain). Now, using the formulas in AMSE VIII Annex 3-D, I calculate true...