Well I can report the reason I was having problems was with the cheaper converter modules I was getting TWO failure modes superimposed, one was input overvoltage, the other was output overcurrent (this wasn't intentional nor a miswire, I had just forgotten that during initial testing without an...
So here's my observation: the single-output devices are designed to work OK regardless of what's powering them. But beware those duals, a hypercompetitive market environment has forced vendors to use a design that demands that they be on a supply with the ability to supply a very high inrush...
BTW I just meant the trigger on my Kikusui COS6100M is unstable, I just found there's manuals online and an adjustment for that is available so it's probably "just another project"
Yes I hear what you're saying...my scope capabilities aren't really where I need them to be right now. Hope to upgrade soon. I do have a simple design to replace that regulator with parts that I have in stock that would easily accommodate a stiff startup current surge if I have to. And I'm not...
Uh, I think you're implying I could be better off explicitly selecting a regulator which deliberately OMITS current limit and all these other limits/controls (thermal etc.)? So it doesn't restrict the current that the converter needs at startup? And that's what I had to learn the hard way...
So these converters don't have an enable input, you're saying I ought to consider a small P-chan MOSFET to snap it on (maybe driven by zener or sup chip)? Why wouldn't the mfrs mention that somewhere?? (why wouldn't they design that in?) So long as I keep RDSon low should be OK?
I have had a...
You need to have a little patience with me here, I'm not a power expert and I still don't plan on becoming one, and even if I made myself into one I have ZERO interest in reverse-engineering some piece of Chinese crap and trying to make it work! Before all this "price first, last and only"...
This is my first post here but I've been involved in electronic circuit design for many decades. As part of a current design effort I take an unconditioned AC voltage, put it through a bridge and large capacitor to get maybe 9 volts, then I pass that through a linear regulator to get 5 volts...