If meter gets burned due to overcurrent whether current transformer gets open circuited as meter is connected in series with CT at secondary side of CT? If coil of meter is burned, is it treated as open circuit or short circuit
Dear Sushilksk,
I am still unable to understand why to go for bus frequency check..why not line frequency…can u pls elaborate with good example. I have already stated scenario in my case for which u have replied recently
In my case, incomers are fed from transformer. As i already stated, there will be no paralleling between transformer, individual incomer feeding respective section…here my line freq = bus freq… so shall i go with line freq check for load shedding in such scenario
What will be the case when there are two incomers & one buscoupler in between them…no paralleling between two incomers…if buscoupler closed with one incomer ON, whole bus will be treated as single bus…in such case can i go for line voltage of incomer for frequency checking
Actually in my case, there is single incomer & 4 outgoings. There is no bus pt…so for load shedding, frequency shall be checked through incomer line pt or bus pt is required