Based on preliminary discussion this would essentially be the structure that we will operate on. A smooth handover of clients, though of course the clients can go always goelswere if they don't see the same quality of work coming from me. The risk for me is my ability to bring on more clients...
I have the resources to survive several years. I'm frugal and have been strategic about where I direct my resources. So that part of things is not a challenge.
I've been an independent contractor before, but not as an engineer. Honestly I prefer it. I get paid for the hours that I work and I...
Yes. This is needed. I like to work on trust. But having something in writing helps to establish that expectations are clear to both parties.
Absolutely. I will need to earn the respect of the clients otherwise they'll quickly go. Some of them I have confidence in my ability to do so, for...
Thanks for your responses. One thing I should have been clearer about is that the offer isn't a take or leave it now situations. I have approimately a year to ready myself and before moving away from my current position if that is what I choose.
True. I'm watching that. I think the grass is...
I am seeking some advice as I have been made an offer that seems too hard to refuse. I am currently a salaried structural engineer on a reasonable pay level for my work. I have ~4 years of experience so I'm not a rookie but still have plenty to learn. I still have some room to grow in my...