Hello there!
Kinda trivial question. How to disable Femap to automaticly change names of solids after changing geometry of some part (slicing, cutting, combining surfaces etc.)?
Thanks in advance,
Hello there!
I am looking for example, as title sugest, axle analysis in femap. To be more precise, i am interested in parts that surrond differential gears and shafts. Have anyone found such example on internet? I am sorry for my bad techincal vocabular, i hope you understood me.
Hello there.
I have underconstranted model, and error that occur is 9137(PHADE1D, but thats another problem. What i am interested is, when that error occur, and we get the GRID POINT SINGULARITY TABLE in F06 file, is there listed all nodes of model or node listed are just the ones that are...
Thanks for the answer, i found solution. So basicly, i wanted to enter elements ID by hamd, couple of them, and solution is that after entering one element ID in ID field you need to click More and then that element ID is added, then you do the same thing over.
Hello there!
Very stupid question. How to pick couple of elements just by entering their IDs in ID field in Entity Selection in order to highlite those elements? I am using Femap. And when i entering first element ID, after presing Enter botton, Femap, of coure, show only that element. So...
Hello there!
I have strugle to find meaning of set up in Geometry/Model tab. I understand unit consistense and that all right, there is a list in documentation, but how to know which set up is for mN-mm-s, N-mm-s or N-m-s?
Just quick question. If one alredy defined connection region which are defined by surfaces, after remeshing solid or surface where region is defined, does region update elements included in region, or is needed to again define connection region?
Could someone help me find some documentation about difference between Deformable and Rigid type of Connection Region, how to implement, in which situation, for what type of analysis etc. I try to find it in Femap and Nastran documentation, but i failed.
Thank in advance,
Hello there!
My model is basicly two square plates connected with bolt. I apply bolt preload and i want to see how plates will react. But i can't analyse model until i have some constraints wich i applied on sides of plates (fixed), my question: is it possible to analyse (static analysis) model...