100% agree about there being too many WPS's etc and that we don't need 1000's of them. This is a result of a number of things not least that we acquired many independent facilities/companies along the way and haven't consolidated/index'd/collated our WPS's.
I probably shouldn't worry about the...
Thank you for your advice.
I work in a Fortune 500 company in the O&G industry. We have manufacturing, repair, shipyard and R&D facilities in S.America, N.America, Africa, Europe and Asia. We weld many types of material grades on many types of equipment (pressure control and structural) using...
Can anyone share their experiences, thoughts and insights on welding software such as the solutions offered below for small, medium and/ large organisations in single or multi locations and different industries / weld codes?
I work in a large Oil & Gas Texan based organisation and we...
I know this SMAW can't be used on titanium.
Time is a commodity i don't have much of currently.I Work 12 hour days and have young kids and elderly parents to care for etc etc. I didn't carefully pick real life variables etc but didn't anticipate getting grief about it on first post to the...
Perfect. Thanks.
(I meant to include "34, and P41 - P49" in scenario 2 but must have missed it when I copied and pasted).
Ideally, I would have access to a database like TWI's Weld Qual, ESAB Weld Note or one of the other numerous options about these days as this would make life easier...
Thanks. I know the thickness ranges I posted don't reflect code ranges etc. I just picked random numbers to seek confirmation that we cant simply cherry pick ranges across WPQ's to (incorrectly) justify a welder using a WPS.
I take from your post that when justifying the use of a welder to...
Thanks. I have read ASEM IX:2021 QW-304 and I agree it is pretty clear. I will go take a deeper dive into the official ASME IX interpretations page for QW-304 and possible revert back here to pose any further questions I may have.
I think I may have a question regarding situations similar to...
Hi All,
I often read this forums posts but this is my first login and post.
My Question:
Does ASME IX permit any situation for a welder to weld to a WPS without him/her not having a WPQ for that particular WPS?
My company has well over 1000 WPS's. Even if I. Restrict my pool of WPS's to WPS's...