I haven't seen the word "ratline" before, but I do know what an HLL is. So you're designing a horizontal lifeline (HLL) for a fall protection system, right? Other folks on this forum may not know what ratline or HLL mean.
I haven't personally designed one, but I did specify one that was...
I appreciate all the responses! I know you folks are internet strangers, but it's nice to have different perspectives. I'm more than fine making the decision by only talking to my wife, but I've always been a "gather outside input first" type of guy. Also, I'm trying not to talk too many peers...
I can't imagine that hole is too different from having a couple standard size holes for bolts. Maybe you could check tensile rupture, but bending is probably fine.
I can see where my description would be confusing; I made an edit to clear it up. Like phamENG said, I meant owner as in I work for an owner, such as a facility/plant that hires consultants and contractors to complete work for us. I'm an in-house structural within the plant. I complete my own...
Could use a reality check. I'm a PE with 7 years of experience--4 in consulting and now 3 working for an owner/facility (edit)--all heavy industry. Just completed a civil engineering M.S. while working full time. I feel stuck growth and mentorship-wise at my current role. I enjoy learning and...
I use Wisey's Steel Shapes LISP routine in AutoCAD. It's missing some new shapes but is still fairly comprehensive.
It's nice to hear from folks with experience! I have not attempted the SE and don't plan to in the foreseeable future.
I did have to take the civil PE when it first switched to CBT. Never got to try pencil and paper. While the PE exam wasn't bad at all, I had some frustrations with the CBT...
If you think of it, do follow up on your PEMB project. I'd appreciate seeing what kind of differences you end up seeing for results between your current methods and the design aid (if you got that route). I haven't done much with WF + angle reinforcement in practice, so I don't have a great...
Thank you! I was reading your PEMB post the other day--looks like fun and a lot of work.
1. I believe it can, but I don't have sufficient evidence/use history to back that up. I'm assuming your shape looks like the below section. For rows 696-700 I would suggest entering those for the original...
You're probably right, but I might not be following what you're saying correctly. Are you talking about wind and snow on a column? The spreadsheet is definitely more "beam friendly." If you're designing a column, all the axial loads and weak axis bending would have to be done by hand and entered...
EngDM, sounds great!
You may be thinking of the Analysis tab, which is only good for one simple-span beam, and yes, all loads are manually-entered.
However, Part 2 "Loads & Deflection Criteria" of the Design tab goes through the ASCE 7 load combinations based on user input for dead, live, roof...
Thank you--I'm happy to hear it! What started as a personal frustration with lacking resources for corroded and reinforced member design, turned into a bigger project that I wanted to share with others.
If you (or others) find errors or have suggestions for improvement/new features, feel free...
Above is the link to a Google Site I put together for the AISC 360-22 steel design aid I developed for my civil engineering M.S. grad project over the last couple years. You are welcome to download, use, and share freely! The download links simply...
As a young engineer, I definitely felt this. During the pandemic/mandates, everyone in my office had to abruptly pack up and go home for "three weeks,", which quickly turned into over a year. It was one of the most challenging times of my life (exacerbated by the arrival of our first...
There's "how to win friends and influence people" and then there's its antithesis: "how to lose friends and alienate people."
Unreal. I thought this was joke/satire post at first, but it seems you're serious. Please do some deep introspection if you truly believe this is an acceptable way to...
Bones, be sure to read through the RisaSection Help document. Especially important to understand how it takes vertical slices through the section to determine flange dimensions. You can overwrite flange and web dimensions if it's giving you an average due to unequal flanges.
Also, before you...
Do you have nearby girders and enough room to frame the opening with new beams from below? Then attach new decking, place reinforcement, and pour concrete. This would just end up being a non-composite, simple span of slab, if you can live with that for your load demands or other requirements.
The only reason I caught the hp mistake in Risa was because I was using it to check the accuracy of an Excel design aid I was developing for my M.S. project (see thread in the structural forum). I was checking 12 different cross-sections, and 2 of them had the hp issue. Those 2 were a (1) W12x40...