The topping is 4" thick. The uplift values for ICC 500 storm shelters vary depending on site factors, and the uplift is worse around the perimeter and in the corners, but a good ballpark value is +/-300 PSF ultimate. So, we're not even close to cancelling it out with selfweight.
Thanks again, phamENG. I agree, I am going to struggle to convince decision makers on this if they've already made up their mind.
At the least, it's helpful to have feedback that my thinking isn't off base.
phamENG, I appreciate your reply. I disagree that the net effect on the assembly is suction. The net effect is a pressure from the inside of the building, putting the roof assembly into negative bending. I contend these aren't the same thing, especially when it comes to designing the individual...
I've been a lurker for years, but the issue at hand has me so turned around I finally decided to make an account and post the question. I'm hoping that the intelligence of the masses can help me out.
Here is the issue: I work for a precast designer and supplier that was asked by an EOR what the...