I am trying to output the displacement values at about 1000 nodes in a straight line across the top of a rectangle. However, due to the node labeling convention the nodes get put out of order (in other words they are no longer ordered based on their x-coordinate) when I output them to a...
Around some of my partitions as I make the mesh smaller the mesh elements start to look larger and I get strange thin triangles at the boundaries. Do you have any idea what may be causing this...
I am trying to refine the mesh around a 10 micron wide crack in a part. I want the mesh around the crack to be 1e-7 and the mesh in the rest of the part to be 3e-5. I have tried partitioning the crack and seeding the edges of the partition to be 1e-7; however, this continually results in...
There was not a .msg file created. The .dat file says the following:
Abaqus 2022 Date 26-Mar-2023 Time 15:28:24
For use by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY under license from Dassault Systemes or its subsidiary.
The Abaqus...
It does have the option to convert from 2021 to 2022. This is all the .log file says "Analysis initiated from SIMULIA established products
Abaqus JOB Aluminum-38Deg-33mm-10p0mm-ROUNDEDAngledCT-0Deg
Abaqus 2022
Abaqus License Manager checked out the following licenses:
Abaqus/Explicit checked out...
I have a python script I wrote to run an ABAQUS simulation in ABAQUS 2021. My organization recently upgraded to ABAQUS 2022 and now when I submit I job from a file created from this script the job aborts. The status file does not appear to contain any helpful hints on why this is. I...
I am trying to model a small (order of micrometers) crack with a rounded tip. Abaqus successfully draws my sketch, but when it cuts the sketch from my main part my circles turn to squares and my arcs turn to triangles. I have tried increasing the curve refinement according to these...