Well I'll also say that if there was a material that could maintain dimensions under those conditions I'd test the hell out of that as well, was just trying to be realistic.
More like a wear surface, the conditions are very similar to the G65 wear test, hence my excitement to get one.
Really just needs to resist wearing away, there is no hope of maintaining dimensions in such an abrasive environment. Just need to survive as long as possible.
Cast Tungsten Carbide K30.
I'm aware that there are a million variables, what you mentioned and more. I have a feeling that temperature of the shop, humidity, elevation from sea level, whether or not it is a Friday, all come into play.
I've been experimenting and isolating variables in the...
Indeed, Ed. I'm looking to establish that data. Just wondering if anyone had ideas for materials to try.
Abrasion resistance is the primary concern, but the tungsten carbide is very expensive to make and attach. Impact is the next most important, which is definitely where the WC falls down.
I'm looking to replace some cast WC with a 3d printed coating and hoping for suggestions on materials that would have comparable or better performance in ASTM G65 and impact testing.
Any materials or chemistries that anyone thinks might do well?