Out of curiosity, have you added some inductor or filter between the filter cap and the chip to smoothen the noise? I've seen circuits blow because of it. No path for the spikes to be absorbed.
Why are you looking to replace he LM348? Your circuit seems rather basic, but layout issues may lead to oscillation or crosstalk if you use ICs with higher bandwidth. Instead of a TL074, what about an LF444? It is designed to replace the LM348, with similar characteristics but with a reduced...
Dual-shielded Ethernet cables will diminish crosstalk and allow for higher speeds, but will they bring back the ground path problems that the xx Base-T so conveniently got us rid of?
I've seen many computer ports and adapters mentioning RS485 where in fact they were RS422. RS485 being the...
The prices that I see above seem incredibly cheap, from the experience that I lived through a patenting process. Perhaps because we wanted the international coverage procedure, but the patent attorney fees were in the tens of thoudands. You have to show that you have searched for similar...
I am not sure where your take this information. In terms of RGB signals to feed to a monitor, equal values of RGB will create a grey scale from black to white. I have designed graphics boards, so i know that at the RGB connectors the relationship is direct and linear.
Perhaps you are thinking...
The purpose of a UPS is to protect your computer, your data, in case of power surges or outages. A UPS that does not do the job is a good candidate for complaints and maybe even legal actions. There are even UPS manufacturers that boast insurance money in case of failure damage.
You can find...
Is it that the gold plated trace is lower than the surrounding solder mask?
Is it that the PCB isn't thick enough for the shells to squeeze it properly?
If the trace is close to the edge, can a brass shim sheet be placed there to ensure a proper contact?
You will not get help from the manufacturers for liability reasons. Who's responsible of the collateral damages if a repaired UPS fails?
For example replacing the caps with new ones with some different esr (say a better one since it is an old unit) may create greater power-on surges that may in...
Your balance probably has an RS232 output because it is a precision instrument. Using 4-20mA to deliver measurements adds two error sources, the 4-20mA transmitter, and the 4-20mA receiver. This may destroy the precision of your balance.
The performance would not suffer from unshielded cables if they have their own conduit. Although the differential nature of RS485 ensures a better noise immunity, the common-mode noise has to stay within certain limits. The common mode noise includes the ground noises between the two systems...
I have worked in a previous life at a company that makes load cells. The transfer function of a load cell has the shape of an "S". The linearity versus the real curve is given as a percentage of the total cell range, as pointed by compositepro. You will also find some hysteresis because of...
Can a magnetic coupling from the motor to the casing induce such effect?
If you drive the motor from a DC source, do you also get an offset on your readings?
Given your low current requirement, the LMV431 from National seems like a good candidate. It integrates a 1.2V reference zener and a linear comparator to vary the ouput to anything you like, using two resistors. It can be purchased in qty one if wished at places like Digikey. Available in...
UL proudly says that they have office everywhere. Do you know if they have one in your country. If they do, their customer service person may guide you in how to get this information. Do not expect it to be free though.
A heartbeat frequency of 1.5MHz. Well, if you want a total control over the shape of the waveform, one way to go is to use a video DAC, and memory system to feed say 128 samples per waveform period. Video DACs can clock at more than 200Mhz. That puts us far from a 555 timer though... but you...
I concur with Mike, the 555 may very well do the job for you. Simple and well documented chip. We know its bugs and its remedies. But let's take the other route. What frequency range do you have to work with? What do you intend to do with this part? Perhaps we can give you better inputs if...
Yeah, that part was my hero last year. It is used for the car seat adjustment motors. The customer wanted a given design, and it ended up needing twice the current that I designed, after a good margin from their initial requirement. And with its great (I mean low) Rdson, it runs cool. I...
The 3524 may have overlapping quadrature outputs under certain fault conditions. I've seen several power supplies fail because of that. They released the 3525 to address the issue.
I don't know what are your voltage and current requirements, but to have a quickly working driver section here...